Conference of Ministers of
Agriculture of the Americas 2021

Isologo Jia 2021

Sustainable Agrifood Systems

the engine of development in the Américas

September 1 and 2, 2021

San José, Costa Rica

Welcome to JIA 2021

Ministers of Agriculture and Livestock from 34 countries in the Americas will meet on September 1 and 2 in San José, Costa Rica, where they will debate the crucial issues of a key sector for the development of agri-food systems and global supply.

September 1 and 2, 2021

Our Schedule

8:10 am #1

Speech by Mr. Manuel Otero

Director General of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)

Director General of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)

8:20 am #1

Speech by Mr. Luis Renato Alvarado Rivera

Minister of Agriculture and Livestock of Costa Rica

Minister of Agriculture and Livestock of Costa Rica

8:30 am #1

Speech by Mr. Carlos Alvarado Quesada

President of the Republic of Costa Rica

President of the Republic of Costa Rica

8:40 am #1

Opening of the Interpretation Center for the Tomorrow of Agriculture (CIMAG)



10:00-10:15 #1

Keynote Address

Dr. Agnes Kalibata, Special Envoy to the United Nations Food Systems Summit 2021

Dr. Agnes Kalibata, Special Envoy to the United Nations Food Systems Summit 2021

10:15-10:30 #1

Introduction to the Conference of Min-isters of Agriculture of the Americas 2021 “Sustainable Agri-food Systems, the Engine of Development in the Americas”

Director General of IICA

Director General of IICA

10:30-10:45 #1

Remarks by the Chair of the 2021 Exec-utive Committee

Mr. Santiago Bertoni, Minister of Agriculture and Livestock of Para-guay

Mr. Santiago Bertoni, Minister of Agriculture and Livestock of Para-guay

10:45-12:30 #1

Regional Dialogue and Comments by the Member States



01:15 PM #1

Closing of the Conference of Ministers of Agriculture of the Americas 2021: Sustainable Agri-food Systems, the En-gine of Development in the Americas

Director General of IICA and Chair of the IABA

Director General of IICA and Chair of the IABA

08:10 - 08:20 AM #1

Delivery of recognition to Leader of Rurality Mrs. Elvia Monzón



08:50-09:20 #1

The Outlook for Agriculture and Ru-ral Development in the Americas: A Perspective on Latin America and the Caribbean

Personnel of ECLAC, FAO and IICA’s Federico Villarreal

Personnel of ECLAC, FAO and IICA’s Federico Villarreal

JIA 2021 Conference